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wallflower Posts

Some musings about jirai✕lolita

Recently (or to be fair not-so-recently, since Dear My Love Emily was launched in late 2023 and this video is from 6 months ago now) the talk of the day has been the intersection between “jirai” and “lolita” fashion, and what I find interesting is that a lot of people seem to perceive these styles as polar opposites. This doesn’t ring true to me at all – and in many…

Hello, world… once more.

Did I totally forget this blog existed? Of course I did! I love this URL, but I’ve hardly thought of anything to do here. For now, this is going to be a lifestyle sort of blog, but who knows where it’s going? One of my many hyperfixations is Japanese alt/street/subcul fashion, from gyaru to lolita, from girly to urahara – I am legitimately obsessed with it. Thanks to that I…

Hello, www (again)!

So… this is a new blog, it seems. For those of you who don’t know me – hi! I’m Hana (that’s what I’ve been calling myself since I realized my nickname of 10 years was too difficult to spell/read) and I’m a person who oscillates between being chronically online and hating the web. I had a few personal blogs and sites in my “millennial” life, which were lost to the…